Please visit our Discord channel at


Sometimes that pupils run out of token as the time with least on preparedness to commit on relation on keeping with the utilization of platform.

The Faucet from DOGEM, as might also involving third parties on consequence with the exchange of apprentice,

is available to helps pupils with none as least as reducing chance of good absence on field of dating with the DOGEM platform.

For more of details with design of the DOGEM project please visit


Users with the DOGEM service as it have with extra of reference as developer put of work with the modest tasks on completion of the different feature to helps as user manage terms with the outkeeping of chance with relation of bilateral and multilateral connection with parties of the selection,

have with proven on absence within field of social communication/relation

as users of the DOGEM might have with STABLE ON EMOTIONAL SENTIMENTS on extent as appealing the reference of message pronounciation as the chance on occupying the apk with the extras on tools and utility with the DOGEM desktop of the mobile phone application.

The valuation of the DOGEM project was closed with the number of 34 Trillion rupiahs as of month of March of year of 2019.

As a week ago the value rise on extent as our release of new project with the label of KOLI application, of similar functionality with the WhatsApp apk with most popularity on users in Indonesia.

The different with one as the name of SIGNAL where the team on company with development works on customs as managing with 10 employees with the office as from the notable quotes by the Wikipedia page.

The DOGEM project works on objective to DELIVER SERVICE for pupils of Indonesia, as their commitment on joint relative of action as the tasks on extensive with request as managing social relation as they meet and match within the online or offline field of confrontation.

Please visit our page about the Tawon DOGEM

As works on initial terms on pre launch of our service with online soccom apk for pupils of Indonesia, 
we might be as fine to gains of more attention from public audience with the wider severe on diverse with profile on customs with personal subjectives of ideal competence.

As presence of business enthusiast with the project on blockchain with service on customs as returns of development from indy companies with dedication as keeping of outstanding manage as extending chance with the perseverence of social resistance
helps as the good relation between team of developer and clients of users with the service as they might gains of experience as maximizing exposure on decision as occupying use of apk with tasks on request.

The DOGEM TOKEN is available at brokerage market on reference with the MINTME platform as with the page as

users with the service from the DOGEM online communication and dating application might work as the customs on field of community network as following use with systematical design as might with the priors on personal preference as referring of use with returns of moderation of the message as text, graphic and videos as noticing of use with the signs or symbols of affection.

to gives with chance on mutual relation as parties work with manage as keeping of plan on design with the dating relation with favorable parties of the selection.

penggunaan layanan komunikasi sosial dan kencan online DOGEM akan melebihkan batasan kedatangan forum (online) seperti yg dimintakan oleh pengguna sementara dengan rencana untuk menjagakan rancangan  hubungan kencannya dengan pasangan pilihannya.

pengguna layanan DOGEM akan datang dengan preferensi personalnya dimana daily casuals dari pengguna apakah akan membedakan kesempatan untuk memenuhkan keputusan belanja kedatangan onlinenya.

fitur2 yg ditempatkan pada desktop dari aplikasi akan melebihkan pilihan pengguna sementara akan menjagakan sebaiknya kesempatan modiasi untuk menempatkan pesan untuk pada pilihan moderasi pengguna lainnya dimana
pengguna akan dapat menentukan sebaiknya rencana kedatangan seperti dengan kesesuaian jadwal dimana pengguna akan dengan daily casualsnya sementara memenuhkan objective presence dengan kedatangan publiknya pada bidang kolaterasi (field of collateral relation).

pengguna tetap dapat memenuhkan kesempatan sebanyaknya untuk memenuhkan kedatangan onlinenya pada forum kencan dengan mediasi dari layanan DOGEM.
yg akan disesuaikan dengan daily casualsnya untuk akan menghabiskan resource with her possession.

sementara keputusan kedatangan yg lainnya adalah untuk melebihkan massa kepuasan dengan bukan akan menyangkalkan masa belanja kedatangan kencan yg menyenangkan dengan menempatkan belanja untuk pada pilihan dari masa capitalism tertentu sebagai keputusan objective seperti pada strategis personalnya.